The FIRST of its kind
Because wellness is your birthright
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Dear reader,
Thank you for your interest in The 4-Week Wellness Journey, Self-Help Support Guide
& Workbook for the Vaccine Injured.
I’d like to give you just a bit of background as to how this guide came to be. I
was vaccine injured many years ago, and didn’t discover that it was a vaccine injury until some years, and surgical procedures later! I’ll spare you the details, but in a nutshell, in 2010, I accidentally cut my toe against a metal bed frame, and was advised to take a vaccine in the event the metal was infected.
My Story
Trusting the recommendation of medical professionals, I received the tetanus-diphtheria shot, and my life hasn’t been the same since. While my body didn’t experience any immediate and noticeable reactions to the shot, the weeks which followed the shot were filled with havoc. In addition to inflammation, weakness, fatigue, and autoimmune issues, I suffered from severe gastrointestinal and gynecological issues, all with “unknown” etiology. The weeks turned into months, which turned into years. It wasn’t until 2020 that I fully put the puzzle pieces together as to what truly happened to me. The decade prior to 2020 comprised of visits with countless medical experts, none of whom ever even hinted that the vaccine I received in 2010 may have led to any of my ailments.
Everything happens for a reason.
As a former psychologist who primarily worked in the preschool setting, I assessed and qualified countless young children for special education, mainly under the eligibility category of autism. There was a reason I was guided to do this work, and there was a reason I felt my stomach churning each time a colleague would brush off another case as, “job security.” Without being fully cognizant of it at the time, I witnessed first-hand what the vaccine schedule was doing to children and their families. Parents reported the changes they saw in their children after the vaccines, and not surprisingly, experienced gaslighting from those who administered the vaccines. My questions, probes and internet searches, which I of course now know were and are censored, led to a dead end as to why there was an increase in the number of cases I assessed each year. Sadly, I now know they were and still are, mainly vaccine injured. Injuries which were and still are, preventable.
There was also a reason for my own injury. Perhaps, had I not personally experienced vaccine injury, I wouldn’t have become so passionately dedicated to helping others who’ve been injured, and relentlessly sharing the harms of vaccines, in order to help prevent others from being injured.
My vaccine injury was later in life. I’m therefore still able to recall the time in which I didn’t have any conditions. My heart bleeds for the countless vaccine injured children across the globe who will never experience what it feels like to live without ailments. The full extent of their pain may never be known. Often, their ability to communicate has been permanently damaged. Not only are they unable to express their aches and pains, but won't have a frame of reference to know what being pain free feels like.
Despite what I’ve been through, I know that I am one of the less severe vaccine injury cases. However, to put what I have endured with my vaccine injury into perspective, I’ll share just a bit more about my background. I was a one-year-old toddler when the chaos of the 1979 Islamic Revolution overthrew the Shah in Iran. My family, having been involved with the monarchical government for several decades, was a target. I was a child during the Iran-Iraq War, but still recall the sounds and scents of bombs, turmoil, and underground bunkers where we took shelter. By the time I was in fifth grade, I had changed six schools on three different continents, and needed to assimilate to three different cultures and languages. As a 13-year-old, I witnessed my father pass away from a stroke. All of these traumas combined, did not do to my body what one injection was capable of.
The 4-Week Wellness Journey, Self-Help Support Guide & Workbook for the Vaccine Injured combines my background in psychology, training as a yogini on a spiritual path, and personal experience as someone who has been living with vaccine injury. This guide shares some of the powerful techniques I've developed to support my own wellness journey, and includes convenient journal worksheets so that others may also benefit.
Vaccine injury has a spectrum, and isn’t always extremely severe and obvious right away. Given that the majority of the allopathic community sadly denies and dismisses the extreme and severe cases of vaccine injury, especially in children, we who suffer from less severe but chronic issues, can’t expect assistance from that same medical community who not only denies the severely injured, but tells all of us, “the causes are unknown.”
Fortunately, there are those in allopathic medicine, as well as other practitioners who are aware, and ready to help.
Those of us who’ve been injured somewhere on the spectrum, once we begin to do our own research, we realize that in fact, the causes are well known, but unfortunately, not openly discussed to help prevent others from being injured. Of course, this topic deserves its own volume of books.
As you know, wellness is a journey, and each journey is unique to the individual. To find relief from our injuries, many of us engage in a vast array of healing modalities, follow certain diets, and take various vitamins and supplements specific to our needs.
This workbook is yet another powerful tool to add to your wellness toolbox, and as far as I’m aware, it’s the first of its kind. While it’s tailored specifically to those who’ve been vaccine injured, it’s also suitable for those who’ve been injured by other pharmaceuticals.
Wellness is your inherent birthright, and when your cup is full, you’re able to give and share from that solid space.
Whether you feel called to embrace the process and join The 4-Week Wellness Journey, Self-Help Support Guide & Workbook for the Vaccine Injured, or feel led to share or gift this to someone you care about, so that they too may embark on a journey to support their own wellbeing, all are welcome here.
With many blessings,
Neelu Blue, PsyD
Spiritual Psychologist
The Guide & Workbook
Just as the phoenix rises from the ashes in power
So may you rise in the magic that's written in your life's story
In all the remaining chapters may you hold destiny's pen ❤ Neelu
The 4-Week Wellness Journey, Self-Help Support Guide & Workbook for the Vaccine Injured
Week One offers the Deep Gratitude Body Scan and First Intensity Focus technique to help support healing, mitigate pain and feel gratitude.
Week Two includes journaling techniques to 10X, or increase your gratitude and appreciation experience, even if your fine motor skills have been impacted. If your injury is such that you’re unable to write, I suggest speaking your words into a recording and keeping your recordings as your journal. As is said, what you appreciate, appreciates!
Week Three involves tools to help alleviate and transform anger into peace and calm. This is not only possible, it’s energetic law, specifically, the law of conservation of energy, and this will become more evident during Week Three.
Week Four comprises of methods to aid in drawing strength from sadness, and incorporating energetic law. This will become more palpable during Week Four.
Week Five is my BONUS GIFT to you, which focuses on reflection and some additional structured guidance.
Amongst its benefits, gratitude helps boost our mood, immune system, sleep, and overall wellbeing. It also helps us place the focus on the blessings we have versus what we don’t have, or what we’ve lost. However, many of us who suffer from vaccine injury often experience aches and pains throughout our body, and when we have aches and pains, it’s not always easy to be in a good mood, let alone find gratitude. Yet, gratitude is a key ingredient to wellness. This is why the Deep Gratitude Body Scan and gratitude journaling techniques shared in Week One and Week Two are important, as they place gratitude at the forefront of awareness, while the First Intensity Focus technique helps alleviate pain in the body.
If you’re reading this, you likely know that vaccines cause severe and permanent neurological damage, especially to children. As such, it wouldn’t be surprising that vaccines may also impact mental health and mood in both children and adults. This is why Week Three and Week Four’s focuses are on exercises to target and help alleviate anger and sadness. Anger and sadness are absolutely normal emotions, especially once we discover the truth about our vaccine injuries. However, our negative feelings may actually be exacerbated and intensified as yet another reaction and side effect of vaccines.
These 4-weeks have specifically been designed to be gentle on you, and your time. We are going to start small, as the idea is to not burn out and overwhelm by asking too much, too fast, which often leads to a lack of motivation to do anything at all. Committing to taking out just a few minutes of your day to actually do the exercises without feeling overburdened is so much more powerful than not doing anything due to overwhelm or procrastination.
Of course, your wellbeing is priceless and can’t be measured in time. However, the structure of the program is designed in such a way to naturally be incorporated as part of your day, well after you've completed the workbook.
If you are inspired to add The 4-Week Wellness Journey, Self-Help Support Guide & Workbook for the Vaccine Injured to your toolbox, all are welcome here!
May you embark on the journey, embrace the process, and most importantly, support your wellness!